Role of nanomaterials in modern agriculture
Agriculture is a foundation of several emerging countries, and it is one of the most economically significant drivers. Farmers, consumers, and the environment are all at risk as a result of the increased usage of mineral fertilizers and harmful pesticides. Over the last few years, substantial research into the application of Nanotechnology to boost agricultural productivity has been undertaken. Nanoparticles (NPs) have been discovered to be beneficial as nanopesticides, nanobiosensor, nanofertilizers, and nanoremediation in agrifood production. Nutrients, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides are compacted with a variety of NPs to facilitate the progressive release of fertilisers and pesticides, resulting in exact dose accessibility to plants. Nanofertilizers improve nutrient utilization, reduce nutrient deficiencies, reduce soil toxicity, and lessen the negative consequences of overdosing, all while reducing treatment frequency. Nanoformulations are used in agriculture to boost germination of seed, reduce nutrient losses in fertilization, reduce the amount of pesticides dispersed, aid water and nutrient management, and. This review also discusses various challenges and concerns about pesticide product development, formulation, and toxicity for ecologically friendly and sustainable agriculture.
Ključne reči:
Agriculture, nanofertilizers, nanobiosensors, nanopesticides, nanoformulations, nanomaterialsReference
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