A survey is given on the present status of raw materials reserves, trends in consumption rate, etc. The raw materials are further depleting and crisis in supply is possible in future. The components of the supply/consumption complex are identified and analyzed in an attempt to get closer in balancing them. Approach was accepted not to limit the possible sources of raw materials. Some extraordinary sources were considered, as e.g., exploitation of metals from the Earths deep interior and of planet Mars. No matter that the feasibility of such processes in near future is with low chances, one should keep them in mind as one of the promises of new technologies. Another, quite futuristic chance was selected and analyzed. Space mining, the subject of past dreams, seems to get closer to its birth. The asteroid 16 Psyche, is declared to provide iron supply for 'several million of years' (!?), and activities are in course to get prepared for accepting such a gift from the sky. Varieties of exploitation possibilities, parameters of space mining, costs, property and other economy related aspects are already considered. The most distinctive characteristic of this asteroid is that it is free of crust, i.e. only metallic core does exists, so that there is no non- metallic layer of burden to be removed when exploiting it.
raw materials, sources, traditional vs. new (revolutionary new), space mining (?)