The capacities of Hedera helix from the Bor region for PAH accumulation in the root and implications for phytostabilization
soil pollution, PAHs, Hedera helix, phytostabilizationAbstract
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered as the pollutants of highest priority, and their remediation is of a global concern. The purpose of this study was to investigate the phytoremediation potential of Hedera helix (Hh) determining the content of 16 priority PAHs in its soil and root samples collected from the rural and industrial zones of the Bor's municipality (Serbia). The content of Ʃ16 PAHs in the soils was: 326.49 mg/kg at the site Borsko jezero to maximal 1937.64 mg/kg at the site Slatinsko naselje. The level of soil pollution (depending on the concentration of S16 PAHs), was high at many tested sites and it was under the significant influence of anthropogenic activities. The concentration for S16 PAHs in the samples of roots ranged from 480.71 mg/kg at the site Krivelj to 1748.32 mg/kg at the site Naselje Sunce. Interestingly, the extremely toxic benzo(a)pyrene, was not detected in the roots of Hh. Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were applied to determine the capacity of Hh for PAH accumulation in the root, and consequently, for determination of its phytostabilization potential. In most cases, BCF values were higher at the locations from UI zone. The calculated BCFs were higher for LMW PAHs than for HMW PAHs. At the majority of the investigated locations, the tested plant species was especially successful in the root accumulation of the compounds such as acenaphthene, fluorene, anthracene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene, and the sum of benzo(k)fluoranthene and benzo(b)fluoranthene. These findings showed that Hh can be successfully used in phytostabilization of many PAHs.References
(2018/2019)Official Gazette of Republic of Serbia, no 30/2018 and 64/2019
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