Inhibition of marine corrosion of thermo mechanically treated rod using green synthesized iron oxide nanoparticles




The present study investigates the use of iron oxide nanoparticles synthesized from Ficus tsjahelas a protective coating for Thermo Mechanically Treated (TMT) rods in a marine environment. The method started with the extraction of the inhibitor from plant leaves using ethanol, followed by the preparation of iron oxide nanoparticles. Then (TMT) rods were coated with these FeNPs and exposed to the corrosive conditions of marine environment. In this study iron oxide nanoparticles were produced using chemical precipitation approach and the particle size effects are fully studied by applying techniques such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), ultraviolet visible spectroscopy (UV-Visible) and SEM. Interestingly when (TMT) rods were coated with 10 layers of FeNPs, the corrosion inhibition efficiency increased to 94.1% for 8mm rods, 95.4% for 10mm rods and 98.7% for 16mm rods respectively. Furthermore, the inhibitive results corresponded with the Langmuir adsorption isotherm indicating that the inhibitory effect of FeNPs follows a physical adsorption process.


nanoparticles, green nanoparticles, marine structure corrosion, TMT rod Corrosion, brackish water corrosion


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