Adomian decomposition method for modelling the growthof FeB/Fe2B layer in boronizing process


  • Bendaoud Mebarek Laboratoire de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes (LRIAS), University of Tiaret, Algeria Autor
  • Abdelkader Maatoug Laboratoire de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes (LRIAS), University of Tiaret, Algeria Autor
  • Sid Ahmed Mokhtar Mostefaoui Laboratoire de Recherche en Intelligence Artificielle et Systèmes (LRIAS), University of Tiaret, Algeria Autor
  • Halim Benali Mathematics Departement, University of Tiaret, Algeria Autor
  • Yassine El Guerri Research Laboratory of Industrial Technologies, University of Tiaret, Algeria Autor



The main objective of this paper is to explore the practical implementation of the Adomian decomposition method (ADM) in effectively solving the system of equations governing boron diffusion during the boronizing process. This study uses ADM to investigate the kinetics of the boronizing process, assess the influence of various parameters on the growth of the layer thickness, and determine the boron concentration in FeB and Fe2B phases. To validate the simulation results, data obtained from the literature were utilized. Overall, this research contributes to understanding the boronizing process and demonstrates the effectiveness of ADM as a mathematical tool for solving complex diffusion equations.


Ključne reči:

Adomian decomposition method, Diffusion, Boronizing, kinetic simulation, Model


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Scientific paper