Hydrate formation and its influence on natural gas pipeline: Simulation study
This study simultaneously studied the twin problem of hydrate and corrosion that occurs in natural gas pipelines, establishing their interdependence using a simulation approach. CO2 corrosion was simulated using the NORSOK M-506 standard model in Matlab. Major factors considered are the relationship between corrosion rate and temperature, corrosion rate and PH, corrosion-temperature relationship for varying CO2 mole percent, and PH values. The result from this study established that both type I and type II hydrates could form at the operating conditions of 5OC and 60 bar. The obtained result also shows that the rate of corrosion decreases and increases with an increase in PH values and temperature respectively to a certain temperature of approximately 78 OC, then a dip in the rate of corrosion. The result for the corrosion-temperature relationship for varying PH values and CO2 mole percent shows a decrease in corrosion rate with an increase in PH and an increase with the increase in CO2 mole percent. Furthermore, the obtained results highlight a rise as high as 5.7 mm/year at a 3 mole percent CO2. This value and trend portray a bad omen for the affected pipeline. This study recommends that natural gas to be transported by pipeline should be sweetened and processed to remove H2S, CO2, and mercaptans if present.
Ključne reči:
CO2 corrosion, model, simulation, hydrate, MATLABReference
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