Evaluation of biocorrosion, biofouling, and health risks in the two study locations in danube alluvium
https://doi.org/10.62638/ZasMat1082Ključne reči:
biocorrosion, biofouling, groundwater, health risk, SerbiaApstrakt
Within conducted research the results of microbiological investigations on specific metabolic (phenotypic) groups of bacteria that play crucial roles in the biogeochemical cycling of iron, manganese, nitrogen, sulfur, and carbon are presented. These bacteria are also involved in the development of biocorrosion and biofouling processes, with some posing risks to public health. Utilizing results from applied biological activity reaction tests (BART tests), processed using specialized software, potential risks for the development of microbiologically mediated corrosion, biofouling, and health risks were calculated for seven wells within two oxic sites in the Danube alluvium – Vinci and Veliko Gradište, Serbia. Moderate to high corrosion risk was determined for all seven wells at both sites (CR=5.4). Microbiological fouling risk was very high in three out of the seven investigated wells (PR=8.10). Among the seven sites studied, one site stood out based on the calculated high value of health risk coefficient (HR=8.10). The research results provide new insights into the microbiological role in aging wells in oxic groundwater of the Danube alluvium. It is demonstrated that the physicochemical composition and chemical species such as minerals, organic matter, and the specific composition of microbial communities in the studied groundwater have the potential to stimulate biocorrosion and the formation of deposits and biofilms within well structures. In addition to biochemical analyses, hydrogeological characteristics of the analyzed area are presented to define the geological stratigraphy, for which specific microbiological transformations would be expected based on the obtained results.
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