Corrosion and corrosion protection of concrete in the cathode copper production plant


  • Zoran Avramović RTB Bor, Topionica i rafinacija bakra Bor, Bor Author
  • Tihomir Milošević Izogradnja plus, Niš Author
  • Vlada Marković COMTECH, Beograd Author



electrolytic refining of copper, concrete, corrosion protection, epoxy mortar


The most complex type of corrosion in the plants of Copper Smelter and Refineries in Bor is present in the plant of Electrolytic Copper Refinery, where the solution of copper (II) sulfate causes the corrosion of concrete and concrete reinforcement as well as the applied steel materials. The processes of corrosion and destruction of concrete surfaces are particularly pronounced. Corrosion of concrete reinforcement is recognized as the main cause of degradation the concrete structure in many cases, both under the influence of sulfates and the influence of chloride ions. Regarding to this, the protection system also requires a knowledge on corrosion problems, both steel and concrete surfaces. The protection system applied in the Copper Electrolysis Plants consists of laying the acid-resistant plates in the epoxy mass, on a previously primed concrete base. This protection system provides minimum 10 years of a protection durability. This work will present the problems of corrosion of concrete structures that occur daily in the plants of Copper Electrolytic Refinery in Bor, the method they are solved and the method of applying the protection systems.





