Use of laser-induced fluorescence method in characterization of the site contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons in United States


  • Aleksandar Prvanović Hull & Associates Inc, Emerald Parkway, Dublin, Ohio, United States Author
  • Zoran Nikić University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Department of Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protection, Serbia Author



groundwater, petroleum hydrocarbons, spatial characterization, Laser-Induced Fluoresence


Spatial characterization of the contamination is a fundamental component of any remediation approach. Compared to conventional investigation methods, the laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) is a faster screening tool and provides the detection of hydrocarbon contamination in real-time. This investigation was conducted at a hydrocarbon-contaminated site in Pennsylvania, US. The presence of light nonaqueous-phase liquids (LNAPL) was detected in 6 of 17 LIF borings, with the reference emitter responses ranging between 45% and 225%. The depth of the response was highly accurate and valuable and provided insight into the spatial distribution of contamination. The results indicated that no substantial amount of LNAPL existed along the LIF borings profile, thus excluding this area as a preferential LNAPL migration pathway. The obtained results contributed to the characterization and remediation of this industrial site.


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