Experimental study on flexural behaviour of textile reinforced concrete





Textile Reinforced Concrete, AR Glass fiber, Compressive Strength , Flexural strength


Alkali-resistant (AR) glass mesh fiber-reinforced concrete has emerged as a promising alternative in modern construction, offering enhanced durability, flexibility, and structural integrity. This paper presents an experimental investigation into the benefits of AR glass mesh fiber-reinforced concrete in construction. It examines the properties and performance characteristics of AR glass mesh fibers, emphasizing their alkali-resistant nature and compatibility with concrete matrices. The experimental work utilizes a 145 gsm (grams per square meter) AR glass fiber textile mesh. The findings on flexural strength and compressive strength demonstrate the practical application and effectiveness of AR glass mesh fiber-reinforced concrete in various construction projects. Additionally, future directions and opportunities for further research and development in this field are identified, aiming to promote the widespread adoption of textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) as a sustainable and high-performance construction material. This paper focuses on analyzing the flexural behavior of concrete specimens reinforced with textile fibers, evaluating their structural performance, durability, and environmental impact. For flexural strength, the study finds that two layers of AR glass mesh achieve greater strength compared to a single layer of AR glass mesh fiber. The structural enhancements provided by AR glass mesh fiber reinforcement in concrete are discussed, including improved crack control, increased flexural strength, and enhanced durability in harsh environments.


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