Dual-mode environmental remediation of toxic dyes through chemo-catalytic and photocatalytic pathways using covellite (cus) nanosheet clusters


  • Deepthi S Nair Postgraduate and Research Department of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi College, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695004, India. Department of Physics, Government College Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695581 India Author https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0102-6093
  • Jayasudha S 3Department of Physics, HHMSPB NSS College for Women, Neeramankara, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695040, India. Author https://orcid.org/0009-0005-5143-847X
  • Ananda Kumar V M Postgraduate and Research Department of Physics, Mahatma Gandhi College, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 695004, India. ;Department of Physics, VTMNSS College Dhanuvachapuram, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala,695003, India Author https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7231-8056




Clusters of high-purity Covellite (CuS) nanosheets with remarkable catalytic properties were synthesized by a simple mechanochemical process, which effectively addressed certain pitfalls of traditional solid-state synthesis, including hours-long grinding, the necessity of annealing to remove byproducts, and the hurdles in achieving crystallite sizes below 20 nm. The study of reaction mechanisms revealed the formation of an intermediate [Cu(tu)] Cl. 0.5 H2O, which acted as a self-sacrificial precursor for forming CuS nanosheets. The extensive characterization incorporating XRD with Rietveld refinement, HRTEM, FESEM, EDS, UV-VIS absorption, FTIR, and Raman Spectroscopy confirmed the formation of phase pure hexagonal CuS with stacked sheet-like morphology forming microflowers, with an average crystallite size of 11nm and having an optical band gap of 1.91 eV. Studies on the degradation of Methyl Orange (MO), a major environmental pollutant, using Covellite nanosheets as a dual catalyst had demonstrated remarkable efficiency, achieving 84% degradation in 12 minutes through chemo-catalysis and 89.5% in 40 minutes through photocatalysis. This study suggests ecofriendly and promising dual pathways to eliminate organic dye contamination by employing Covellite(CuS) nanocatalyst.


Clusters of high-purity Covellite , chemo-catalysis, photocatalysis, Methyl Orange (MO), Langmuir-Hinshelwood model
Supporting Agencies
DST-SAIF, CUSAT, CLIF, Department of Optoelectronics, University of Kerala


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