Metal Corrosion in High Temperature Conditions: A Review
This work reviewed previous studies relevant to the mechanisms of metal corrosion at extremely high temperatures, the combined effects of pressure and chemical species on corrosion processes, and the development of innovative materials and coatings designed to withstand these challenging conditions. The complex interactions between temperature, pressure, and chemical species were highlighted in the investigation as factors that accelerate corrosion rates of metals in various industrial environments. Data from numerous experimental studies and industrial applications were analyzed as part of a thorough literature review conducted for the research. Previous studies reported that corrosion mechanisms, including fluxing, hot corrosion, sulfidation, and corrosion fatigue, along with protective oxide scales, were found to be crucial in maintaining material integrity. New materials designed for extreme temperature resistance, such as high-entropy alloys, high-temperature metallic glasses, and oxide-dispersion-strengthened alloys, were reported to show superior strength, oxidation resistance, and creep performance, including protective coatings like vitreous ceramic-like enamels and phase composite ceramic thermal barriers. To improve the durability and performance of metals in extreme environments, the research highlighted the significance of material composition, coating microstructure, and application techniques in determining the effectiveness of corrosion protection methods. Based on these findings, the study recommended additional research into the development and optimization of advanced materials and coatings for specific high-temperature applications, as well as the integration of these solutions into industrial processes.
high temperature corrosion, oxidation, protective coating, non protective coating, novel materials for extreme environmentsReferences
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