Advancements in thermal barrier coatings for internal combustion (IC) engines
Pistons of diesel engines are made of aluminum alloys. There has always been a need to increase the thermal efficiency of engines that use these pistons. Aluminum Alloy pistons find their application because they are lightweight and have a comparatively good heat transfer ability and strength-to-weight ratio. However, aluminum alloys exhibit an increased coefficient of thermal expansion, low durability at high temperatures, increased wear rates, and formation of aluminum oxide due to interaction with oxygen in air at high temperatures. These challenges are solved by coating a ceramic material onto the piston, known as the thermal barrier coating (TBC), due to its low specific heat and heat transfer properties. TBCs play an important role in improving the effectiveness of elevated temperatures in industrial applications like gas turbines, automobiles, and aeronautical systems. TBCs tend to quickly reduce the upper surface temperature of the piston crown. This paper highlights the prominent methods of producing thermal barrier coatings including Diffusion coating, thermal spray technique, Electric Arc Wire Spray Technique, PVD, CVD, Electrodeposition, and Additive Manufacturing Method. The crucial discussion is on the materials and emerging trends in developing an efficient thermal protection system. Additionally, the review throws light on employing novel materials like advanced ceramics, alloys, and nanocomposites for their impact as TBCs. The paper also focuses on prospects and current challenges in the research and development of TBCs. Factors such as thermal conductivity, environmental stability and manufacturing processes are evaluated to meet the demands of high-temperature internal combustion (IC) engine application. Finally, this brief review combines the existing information on TBCs for engineers, practitioners and scientists to understand the present practices and contribute to the improvement in thermal protection technologies in IC engines.
Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs), Internal Combustion (IC), Air Plasma Sprays (APS), Vacuum Plasma Spray (VPS), Physical Vapor Deposition, High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel , Suspension Plasma Spray , Sol-GelReferences
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