Analyzes of hydrocarbons (PAH, alkanes and BTEX) in marine water of Vlora's port
port of Vlora, PAH, n-Alkanes, BTEX, water analyze, GC/FIDAbstract
In this study, levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), aliphatic hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) and volatile hydrocarbons were determined in water samples of the port of Vlora which is the second largest port in Albania. It is located in Vlora Bay, near Vlora city. Presence of these pollutants in port area is mainly because of ships transport, commercial/passengers processing and the water currents in-side/out-side the port area. Hydrocarbons (PAHs, n-alkanes and BTEX) are generated mainly by the transport (automobiles, ships, trains, etc), extracting/processing of oil industry, coal mine and other industries. Forest burning and their natural background make them very often in environment. Water samples were taken in May 2022 in different stations of the Vlora's port (inside and outside its area). Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons were extracted simultaneously using two steps liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) technique. Firstly, dichloromethane (MeCl2) and after that n-hexane were used as extraction solvents. After extraction, the organic phase was dried with sodium sulfate anhydrous, for water removing. "Clean-up" procedure was realized in an alumina column. After the concentration to 2 ml, the samples were injected in Varian 450 GC equipped with FID detectors. BTEX were analyzed using head space solid phase micro-extraction technique (HS/SPME) by using polydimethylsiloxane fiber (PDMS) followed by GC/FID technique. PAH, n-alkanes and BTEX were found almost in all water samples of Vlora's port. Their presence could be because of anthropogenic factors (elevated activity and ship transport) in the port area. The levels of hydrocarbons in water samples of Vlora's port were higher / comparable than reported levels for them in other stations of the Adriatic Sea, Albania part.References
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