The influence of printing inks on work conditions and environment: Application of ecological colour


  • Nataša Tanjga Visoka škola strukovnih studija Beogradska politehnika, Beograd Author
  • Nebojša Ćurčić Visoka škola strukovnih studija Beogradska politehnika, Beograd Author
  • Darja Žarković Visoka škola strukovnih studija Beogradska politehnika, Beograd Author



printing inks, materials, safety at work, environment, eco-inks


This paper analyses the influence of content of printing inks (and different materials used in their production) on work surrounding and the environment, with the special review on eco inks usage. Printing ink presents dispersive system made of number of different components (pigments, vehicle, adhesive materials, aid materials etc.), which all brought together give specific properties suitable for the printing. During production, ink components are put under intensive homogenization and create a paste of specific consistency. Printing inks contain different kinds of organic and inorganic matter, which can be emitted to the air, soil and water, sometimes causing long-lasting damages to the environment. Beside that, toxic and dangerous vapors from inks violate quality of working surrounding and present the threat for employees in printing facilities. Pigment gives color in printing process and presents the most important constituent of the printing ink. Pigment usually contains different heavy metals, while some oils contained in inks, present distillation derivates of crude petroleum and are dangerous substances which might be cancerous. From the aspect of environmental protection, optimal content of printing ink is unavailable to determine, because each printing technique dictates its own demands in printing - quality and printing speed (connected with the properties of ink drying). Thus, the possibility of substitution dangerous substances in printing inks by less dangerous or harmless is limited. Printing process is sensitive to the paper and ink properties, the way of paper production was done and the origin of other repro materials in printing industry. It is the fact that 'eco inks' can't achieve the same results and quality in printing as traditional inks. In that reason, some other measures can be also effective in protecting employees and the environment from the harmful effect of printing inks constituents. Uprising the consciousness of employees and the management of the printeries, conducting of preventive measures and measures for occupational safety present the main moto for socially and environmentally responsible printing business. The highest responsibility in preserving lives and the environment is on the state itself - to implement laws, to concern about their enforcement and to encourige and stimulate printeries to use recycled materials and eco inks.





