Characterization of composite bio inert aps- AL2O325WT.%(ZrO28%Y2O3) coating


  • Mihailo Mrdak IMTEL Institute, Belgrade, Serbia Author



Composites Al2O3ZrO2 and ZrO2Al2O3 are inert perspective biomaterials for use in implants due to their biocompatibility and mechanical properties that combine high flexural strength with high toughness. Ceramics Al2O3 has excellent biocompatibility and wear resistance, however, this ceramics has low flexural strength and toughness. In order to increase the mechanical properties of Al2O3 ceramics oxide ceramics ZrO2 is added to it. Oxide ZrO2 is inert in a physiological environment and has higher flexural strength, higher fracture toughness, and lower Young’s modulus, compared with pure oxide Al2O3. Ceramics Al2O3 and ZrO2 are extensively used for the production of hip prosthesis. By mixing both materials the mechanical strength can be increased. Also, the mix of ceramic materials Al2O3 and ZrO2 has a better resistance against uneven surfaces and damage under load during a luxation test compared to the pure ceramics Al2O3. The aim of this study was to analyze the mechanical characteristics (microhardness HV0.1 and bond strength) and microstructure of the composite coating APS-Al2O3(ZrO28%Y2O3) with a content of 25wt.%ZrO28%Y2O3 on an optical microscope (OM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Results of testing mechanical and structural characteristics indicate that the layers of ceramic coating Al2O3ZrO2 can be successfully applied in orthopedic implants.


APS, Al2O325wt., (ZrO28, Y2O3), implants, microstructure, microhardness, bondstrength





