Natural attenuation includes a number of processes that cause the reduction of groundwater contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons. Among these processes biodegradation often plays a major role, since microorganisms use petroleum hydrocarbons as the source of energy and carbon. Application of natural attenuation as a remediation approach requires detailed hydrogeological characterization of the contaminated site and monitoring of attenuation processes. This paper presents the results of monitored natural attenuation at the site of historical contamination by kerosene near Kraljevo. In order to demonstrate effects of biodegradation, following parameters in groundwater were measured: total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), electron acceptors (O2, NO3, SO4 2-), metabolic products of biodegradation (Mn, Fe), and redox potential (Eh). Obtained results and methodological approach can be considered useful in conceptualizing future studies of this type.