Influence of digene tablet juice orally taken in on the corrosion resistance of orthodontic wire made of SS 18/8 in presence of artificial saliva
orthodontic wires, SS18/8, corrosion resistance, Digene Tablet juice, artificial salivaAbstract
Dentists make use of orthodontic wires such as SS 18/8, SS 316, Ni-Cr etc., to regulate the growth of teeth. In the saliva environment these wires undergo corrosion. Aside from this, they undergo corrosion by the food items, juices and Tablets orally in taken. Corrosion resistance of SS 18/8 alloy in artificial saliva (AS) , in the absence and presence of Digene Tablet juice, has been investigated by polarization and AC impendance techniques. It is inferred that corrosion resistance of SS 18/8 alloy in artificial saliva decreases in presence of Digene Tablet. This is exposed by decrease in Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) value, Charge transfer resistance (Rt) value, in impedance value, and increase in corrosion current and double layer capacitance value(Cdl). In presence of Digene Tablet, the LPR value decreases from 3488228 to 1629535 Ohmcm2. The corrosion current value increases from 1.447 x10-8 to 2.637x10-8A/cm2 . The Charge transfer resistance (Rt) value decreases from 37796 to 10481Ohmcm2 . The double layer capacitance value increases from 1.349x10-10 F/cm2 to 4.866x10-10F/cm2. The impedance value decreases from 4.857 to 4.428. Hence it implies that people with orthodontic wire made of SS 18/8 alloy should avoid taking Digene Tablet juice orally.References
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