Controversies related to real protection against SARS-CoV-2 virus of the most frequently used face masks
Face masks serve to protect the respiratory system from unwanted aerosol droplets, in which various types of pathogens or pollutants are present. They are particularly important during a pandemic, like SARS-CoV-2 pandemic we are withessing. The efficiency of filtration of aerosol droplets, which contain the virus particles, is generally unsatisfactory, especially in conditions of extremely virulent environments, for the most of commercially available masks. Therefore, the challenge is to produce masks with increased filtration efficiency, in order to reduce the percentage of virus penetration through the mask. Hence, it is crucial to correctly define the possibilities and limitations of today's most commonly used epidemiological masks, in order to successfully define completely new concepts of face masks manufacturing, which would enable the most effective protection not only of medical workers but also patients, especially in areas where virus concentrations are extremely high. Also, it has been shown that, in addition to the concentrations of infectious pathogens in a given environment, the conditions in which infection with a given pathogen occurs, such as temperature and humidity within a given contaminated space, are also important.Keywords:
face mask, nanoparticles, filtration efficiency, aerosol transfer mechanism, SARS-Cov2, cotton canvasReferences
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