Corrosion resistance of orthodontic wire made of nickel-titanium alloy in artificial saliva in the presence of Kopiko candy
corrosion resistance, Ni-Ti alloy, artificial saliva, Kopiko candy, polarization study, AC impedance spectra, pediatric dentistryAbstract
Corrosion resistance of an orthodontic wire made of Ni-Ti alloy immersed in artificial saliva in the absence and presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy has been investigated by polarization study and AC impedance spectra. It is observed that corrosion resistance of Ni-Ti alloy immersed in artificial saliva in the presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy increases. Hence it is concluded that people clipped with orthodontic wire made of Ni-Ti alloy need not worry about taking Kopiko candy orally. When Ni-Ti alloy is immersed in artificial saliva in the presence of 500 ppm of Kopiko candy, Linear Polarization Resistance value increases from 347978 Ohmcm2 to 415003 Ohmcm2 ; corrosion current decreases from 1.346 x10-7A/cm2 to 1.105 x10-7A/cm2 ; charge transfer resistance value increases from 31945 Ohmcm2 to 44357 Ohmcm2 ; impedance value increases from 4.649to 4.819; double layer capacitance decreases from 1.596x10-10F/cm2 to 1.150 x10-10F/cm2 , and phase angle increases from 39.63° to 50°.References
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