Protection from ballistic threats: an exploration of textile materials for bullet-resistant outerwear


  • Subrata Das Department of Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India Author
  • Kaliappan Prathasana Department of Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India Author
  • Pathipalayam Arumugam Nitin Department of Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India Author
  • Krishnan Ramamoorthi Lakshimi JayaPriya Department of Fashion Technology, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode District, Tamil Nadu, India Author
  • Vemban Mathivanan Ordnance Clothing Factory, Ministry of Defence,Govt.of India, Avadi, Chennai, India Author



Bullet-resistant jackets are one of the innovations that demonstrate how textile engineering and technology can work together to protect people from ballistic threats. To improve the protective qualities of bulletproof jackets, it is imperative to comprehend the wide variety of textile materials that are used in them. This study aims to clarify the complex interplay between protection, flexibility, and comfort that is inherent in these kinds of clothes by a thorough analysis of a variety of fibers, fabrics and composites, each offering unique characteristics that contribute to the overall effectiveness of these types of garments. Important factors were determined to take into account when choosing the best material based on particular needs like flexibility, comfort, weight, and degree of protection through careful analysis and comparison. This exploration shall provide valuable insights for researchers, manufacturers, and consumers alike, fostering advancements in protective garment design and promoting informed decision-making in the realm of personal safety.


Bullet-resistant jacket, protective garment, degree of protection, flexibility, comfort, safety


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