Role of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in the corrosion monitoring processes


  • Rajasekaran Saminathan Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia Author
  • Abdulla Yahya Ali Nashali Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia Author
  • Abdulrahman Ahmed Ali Haqawi Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Sciences, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia Author
  • Shanmugasundaram Marappan Department of AI & ML, BMSIT & M, Bangalore, India Author
  • Shanmuga Priya Natesan Deptartment of Mechanical engineering, Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur. Karnataka, India Author
  • Farah Shakeel Lecturer, Department of English, AlArdah University College, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia Author



When it comes to the upkeep of engineering structures in a variety of industries, corrosion monitoring systems are an extremely important components. In particular, applications such as storage tanks for hazardous chemicals and weight-bearing structures of large engineering constructions are at the forefront of providing attention to relevance. This is due to the fact that failures experienced by these applications can potentially result in catastrophic consequences. As a result, contemporary methods make use of the application of concepts connected with machine learning and artificial intelligence in order to efficiently monitor and identify corrosion related damages. As a consequence of this, the monitoring system is able to provide the control of the industrial structures with minute-by-minute updates. Therefore, the catastrophe is prevented to a significant degree, and there is a significant possibility of lowering the costs associated with technical procedures that require maintenance. Within the scope of this paper, a comprehensive analysis is conducted on the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques that are utilized in corrosion monitoring systems across a wide range of industries. Through this assessment, the solutions and efficient corrosion monitoring methods that are specific to the domains made available. Consequently, the purpose of this work is to determine the appropriate technique of monitoring systems for each and every corrosion-related disorder.


Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, corrosion monitoring system, oil and gas industries


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Review Paper