Study of green microalgae as a feedstock for biodiesel production




Biodiesel as an energy source has marked an edge to a growing energy crisis issue. There are multiple ways by which biodiesel can be produced, and aggressive research is going on in the field of biodiesel. In this work, we have focused on biodiesel production from microalgae. Green microalgae, a third-generation feedstock, are promising candidates for biodiesel production because of their high lipid content and rapid growth. In this study, for the cultivation of microalgae, an environment of varying temperatures that was between 27°C to 32°C was created. Also, three different concentrations (2:2, 2.5:1.5, and 3:1) of aquarium and freshwater were considered in this work for algae growth, and the lipid extraction method like mechanical cell destruction was investigated to determine its efficiency. Once the lipid extraction process was optimized, the extracted lipids were subjected to a transesterification process, converting them into biodiesel. The results of this study show that the greater concentration of aquarium water resulted in better algae production, i.e., dried weights of algae extracted from the above-considered concentrations were 2.69 grams, 2.79 grams, and 2.92 grams respectively.  Biodiesel produced from the dried algae was 3.15 ml, 3.96 ml, and 4.95 ml, respectively. These results suggest that green microalgae can be considered an enticing raw material for biodiesel production. Optimizing cultivation and lipid extraction methods can improve biomass and lipid productivity, boosting overall biomass yield. This study concludes that algal biodiesel can be an alternative source to petroleum-based diesel fuel.


Biodiesel, microalgae, lipid extraction, biomass, temperature


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