Assessment of the effect of mixing polystyrene (PS) with sawdust (SD) on copyrolysis products


  • Abdel Hafiz A. Ali Higher Institute of Engineering and Technology, Minia, Egypt Author
  • Seddik S. Waheed Mechanical Engineering Department, Minia University, Egypt Author
  • Salah M. Rabia Mechanical Engineering Department, Minia University, Egypt Author
  • Nouby M. Ghazaly Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Valley University, Egypt Author



PS plastic, biomass, sawdust, co-pyrolysis, bio-oil.


The co-pyrolysis process between biomass and solid waste especially plastics has attracted significant attention in research studies as a means to enhance both the quantity and quality of bio-oil derived from biomass decomposition. In this research paper, the PS/SD co-pyrolysis was carried out for six different concentrations ranging from 0% to 100%, with increments of 20% PS, inside a small laboratory reactor at 450 C and a heating rate (HR) of 20.5 oC min-1. Results showed that an increase in the proportion of PS in the blend resulted in a higher bio-oil outcome. The highest bio-oil yield was recorded at the 80PSSD blend, indicating that co-pyrolysis had a positive effect on oil production in all mixtures. The most significant positive impact was observed at the 20PSSD blend, reaching [+11.54]. Conversely, gas production showed a negative effect, with gas quantities lower than expected for all mixtures, and the most significant negative impact was at 20PSSD, with a decrease of [-11.8]. As for char outcome, there was a minimal increase in its quantity, with the highest positive impact of charcoal observed at 80PSSD, reaching [+3.44]. Consequently, it can be observed that the quantity of char produced is not significantly affected by the co-blending process.


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