Photocatalytic degradation of textile dye with titanium (IV) doped tungsten oxide nanoparticles


  • Shree H.K. Ranjini School of Nano Sciences, Central University Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Sector, India Author
  • Nidhi Pathak School of Nano Sciences, Central University Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Sector, India Author
  • Charu Lata Dube Dube School of Nano Sciences, Central University Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Sector, India Author



Water pollution from textile industries is a major concern with respect to the availability of clean drinking water. The removal of textile (organic) dyes through photocatalytic degradation with pure WO3 and titanium (IV) doped tungsten oxide [Ti (IV)-WO3] nanospheres were studied under visible light. The WO3 and Ti (IV)-WOnanospheres were synthesized via microwave-assisted method at microwave power of 160 W for the duration of 20 mins. The as synthesised WO3 and Ti (IV)-WOnanospheres were characterized for their structural, microstructural, and spectroscopic properties by using powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM). The X-ray diffractograms confirmed the formation of highly pure WO3 and Ti (IV)-WOnanospheres. The average crystallite size of WO3 and Ti (IV)-WOnanospheres were calculated as 53.37 nm and 35.24 nm respectively using Debye Scherrer equation. The bandgap of Ti (IV)-WOwas found to be decreased to 2.5 eV from 3.2 eV (WO3) respectively. It can be deduced that Ti (IV)-WOcan be utilized as efficient visible light (λ>420 nm) driven photocatalyst as the bandgap was < 3 eV. The agglomerated spherical nanoparticles were seen for WO3 and Ti (IV)-WOin the HR-TEM images. The photocatalytic activity of textile dye was analyzed by UV-Vis spectrophotometer under visible light. The photocatalytic organic dye degradation was investigated. The enhanced photocatalytic activity of titanium (IV) doped tungsten oxide (10 wt%) was observed to be ~100% in 100 mins. This makes titanium (IV) doped tungsten oxide nanospheres, a potential nanomaterial for water purification.


Photocatalytic degradation, organic dyes, microwave assisted method, photocatalytic activity
Supporting Agencies
The authors are grateful to the Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF), Central University of Gujarat (CUG), Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India for providing necessary research facilities and support. Ms. Shree Ranjini H.K. thankfully acknowledges Dr. Charu Lata Dube the for conceptualizing the work. Ms. Shree Ranjini H.K. acknowledges Ms. Nidhi Pathak and Ms. Ritu Kumari Pilania for their guidance and scientific discussion during the work.


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