Impact of annealing on structural and optical properties of sol-gel derived samarium silica nanocomposites
The pursuit of finely tuned material properties has driven the exploration of annealing strategies in the context of Samarium Silica Nanocomposites (Sm-SiO2 NCs) synthesized through the sol-gel route. This study unveils novel insights into the influence of optimized annealing protocols on the structural and functional evolution of these advanced nanocomposites. Through meticulous experimentation, we establish that controlled temperature annealing plays a pivotal role in tailoring the microstructure and properties of Sm-SiO2 NCs. The judicious manipulation of annealing parameters, including temperature duration, and atmosphere, orchestrates distinct transformations in the composite architecture. Field emission microscopy and structural analysis reveal that precise annealing promotes the consolidation of nanoscale domains, leading to improved crystallinity and enhanced connectivity between samarium species and the silica matrix. Moreover, the annealing-induced modifications extend beyond structural aspects to influence functional properties, an increase in crystallite size was observed from 15 nm to 43 nm as an effect of annealing. Our findings illustrate a remarkable enhancement in luminescence intensity as a consequence of optimized annealing, showcasing the potential for tailored photonic applications. These revelations are supported by a comprehensive suite of analytical techniques, including X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infra red,\Field emission with Energy dispersive x-ray and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The synthesis-annealing synergy not only advances our fundamental understanding of nanocomposite evolution but also furnishes a pathway towards designing multifunctional materials with precision-engineered attributes.
Nanocomposites, Sol-Gel Route, annealing strategies, microstructural evolution, functional enhancementsReferences
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